V2.5.1 - 2024-02-28
Added Fabric Capacity support.
Added MFA (Multi-factor authentication) support to the back office – a new setting enables/disables MFA. When enabled, the user will be prompted to enter a code received by email
Fixed a bug affecting the login process when using a custom domain.
Fixed the Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions customization when using a custom domain.
Improved the platform’s performance when loading the list of users.
Other minor fixes.
V2.4.1 - 2023-11-06
White Label – a new white label licensing option that allows you to fully customize PowerBI Portal and seamlessly integrate it into your organization’s ecosystem.
File sharing – your organizations can now share static files through PowerBI Portal with Front Office users.
Persistent filtering – Front Office users can now apply and save report and page filters.
V2.3.0 - 2022-05-09
Added localization for Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese and French to the back-office and front-office.
Added an option to select a report’s language and region.
Added an option to send email notifications when bulk importing users.
Fixed a bug affecting the “Show in Full Screen” option.
Fixed some grammar and item descriptions in multiple tables and field hints.
Fixed an issue affecting reports displayed in mobile view.
Fixed a report editing issue that prevented groups from showing up in user/group selection.
Other minor fixes.
V2.2.4 - 2022-03-28
Mobile version Fixes
Playlist improvements
V2.2 - 2021-01-12
Configuration by environment to allow Back Office users to view other access codes.
Option to disable Front Office login providers.
Front Office users’ Microsoft profile picture is no longer blurry.
Fixed some issues related to logging into the Front Office using a Microsoft account in some browsers.
Other minor fixes.
V2.1 - 2021-12-14
Added new Health Check section in the settings area that tests the connection for all reports, user reports and group reports. With detailed results view and export to excel option.
New danger warning next to settings if you are missing required Access Settings.
Newly created reports are now tested for connection on save, offering you the choice to choose to continue or not in case any problems detected.
User can now follow a tour guide to better understand how PowerBI Portal works.
Trial user has now access to demo reports and is able to see them in the Front Office without any previous configuration.
In order to configure Power BI access, the user can now use a quick configuration wizard as an alternative to follow all the manual configuration steps described in the Help Center.
PowerBI Portal trial is longer limited to 30 days. However, your reports will be shown with a watermark while in trial period. Note: Demo reports do not have watermarks.
Access Codes are now generated automatically upon user creation manually, import from Azure or from Excel.
License renewal now adds time to the existence license.
Added option to Leave and Delete Environments.
Added Tokens on groups.
V2.0 - 2021-10-12
New login page.
Revamped user interface.
Reports are now grouped by area.
Reports can now be saved as favorite.
New consent warning page.
List and import users directly from the organization’s Azure AD.
Report access and Power BI Embedded configuration can now be tested from the back office.
Report thumbnails can now be round or square images.
Report backgrounds can be set to transparent on the Edit report tab.
The Power BI Embedded warming up page message can be customized in the Settings tab.
Visuals can now be individually selected to be displayed on the report page.
A new API allows developers to manage users, users’ claims, reports, reports access and user access history.
Improved error messages’ description.
V1.5 - 2021-08-03
Fixed the issue that was redirecting guests to an "Access Denied" page after a change in their role.
Improved report loading during their transition in a playlist.
Updated jQuery for security reasons.
Added row-level security (RLS) support when exporting to PDF, PPTX and PNG.
Fixed an issue that was preventing dashboards from being embedded in a playlist.
Other minor fixes.
V1.4 - 2021-04-01
Added Export options to PPTX and PNG in the front office
V1.3.12 - 2021-02-24
Fixed an issue where some exports to excel were failing due to illegal characters
Fixed an issue with Power BI Embedded Management idle modal displaying even if the timeout was set to 0 (always on)
Back Office checkbox option "Allow Full screen" changed to "Show in full screen", and now opens the visual in fullscreen if checked.
Fixed an issue where the treeview option for selecting visuals would break report saving and editing in Firefox and Edge.
Fixed an issue when having the Front Office opened but not used was not allowing Power BI Embedded capacity to be paused automatically.
Show access date in local time when viewing the access history
V1.3 - 2021-02-03
New input mode – Preview Window. Instead of adding reports through Power BI’s URL you can now navigate through your workspace list and select the report or dashboard you want to add.
Improved "Notifications" system – Now it is possible to enable or disable each type of notification and customize your email’s template.
Back Office users can now export their Access History to Excel.
Privacy Terms consent banner added to the Front Office.
Improved Power BI Embedded Management.
Fixed issues regarding the custom settings of Front Office Background and Logo.
V1.2 - 2020-12-15
New features in the Front Office:
Users can now manually refresh reports.
Users can manually reset reports to their original settings.
Users can now interact with the Power BI Bookmark Panel.
New features in the Backoffice:
The new "Access History" feature enables Back Office users to track the sessions of Front Office users.
Added a new “PowerBI Embedded Management” section to the “Power BI Embedded” tab, under Settings: users can now set multiple time intervals where PowerBI Portal is prevented from stopping their Power BI Embedded capacity, ignoring the time interval in the “PowerBI Embedded Timeout” function.
Added the ability to disable/enable the email notification new users receive when their profile is created in the Back office.
Added the "Name" and "Company" fields to the Excel template used for importing new users.
Fixes and changes:
Fixed an issue related to reports configured as default.
Fixed a playlist issue that made the first report take too long to display.
Playlists with only one report no longer apply rendering changes to the slide when refreshing the data.
V1.1 - 2020-10-02
New feature "Groups" lets you group multiple users that share the same permissions and customizations.
New feature "Playlist" lets Back Office Admins or Master Users create a reports slideshow and give access to it to other users from the same registered tenant so they can run and see that slideshow.
Added a direct login option by Access Code to the Front Office by query parameters in the URL.
Added an option to revert a report to its default configuration if it’s overridden for a certain user.
Added an option to automatically refresh reports in the Front Office according to the refresh rate set in the Back office.
Added Google and Facebook login authentication to the Front Office.
Added font size and color customization to the Welcome Message in the Front Office.
Added the Export to Excel or Print to PDF functions, which can be made available according to each user.
Added an option maximize and minimize reports in the Front Office.
Added a Full Screen View option to reports in the Front Office.
Added more information to Help Center (Tenant Configuration and How to Use).
V1.0 - 2020-05-15
Initial Version
Last updated