PowerBI Portal Architecture Overview
Last updated
PowerBI Portal Architecture Overview
Last updated
PowerBI Portal is a cloud-based solution designed for seamless sharing and management of Power BI reports. The platform leverages Microsoft Azure infrastructure, ensuring high availability, scalability, and security.
The solution comprises the following key components:
App Services
FrontOffice: The user interface where end-users can view and interact with reports. Users log in using either an access token (configured in the BackOffice) or their Microsoft account. Only registered users in the BackOffice can access reports.
BackOffice: The administrative module responsible for managing users and reports. Administrators can configure permissions, upload assets, and oversee report access.
Azure SQL Database A centralized database shared between FrontOffice and BackOffice modules. It securely stores application data, employing encryption to ensure data confidentiality and integrity.
Azure Blob Storage Used for storing assets such as:
Logos and background images for FrontOffice customization.
Report-specific background images configured in the BackOffice.
PowerBI Portal is deployed entirely on Microsoft Azure, which provides:
High Availability: Ensures the solution is always accessible to users.
Scalability: Dynamically adjusts resources to handle varying workloads.
Security Compliance: Aligns with industry standards, benefiting from Azure’s advanced security features, including DDoS protection and built-in encryption.
Report Access Mechanism
To display reports, the FrontOffice generates a Power BI access token with row-level security settings as configured in the BackOffice. This process employs service principal authentication.
Please refer to Microsoft documentation for more information:
Important Considerations
The PowerBI Portal Azure application must be added to the report's workspace. Removing this access will prevent the portal from displaying the reports in the FrontOffice.
This architecture ensures a secure and efficient environment for managing and sharing Power BI reports within your organization.